The skill/spell lists contained herein were made by creating a test character and repeatedly cut-and-pasting the lists. They are here for those choosing a remort plan, or for those who wish to select a good starting class. All single classes are shown here, as well as all tri-classes. The dual classes are quite numerous, and since their skills can be derived from a tri-class anyhow, I am only listing the most popular dual classes. In all honesty, the class system at Mystical is probably the best developed that I have seen anywhere, with only a few redundant skills/spells, and very few that still need implementation. I hope this is helpful for those who enjoy Mystical, and saves the Immortal staff there the spam of seeing everyone create test chars to try and decide which class gets what :P
This list is current as of June 25, 1999
To get info on my clan, Clan ForgeHammer, click here
Single Classes
Wizard |
Dual Classes
Tri Classes
(WCI) |
(WCM) |
(WTC) |
(WTI) |
(WTM) |