Clan ForgeHammer

Clan Members 

                It is an unrealistic goal that everyone will choose to walk the path that Clan ForgeHammer offers, as much so as to believe that every citizen of Mystical can be the best of the best......Below lies the current roster of Clan ForgeHammer. Mark it well....Clicking on a name will provide that characters history/background (under construction).


Blayne Kara Ivar Kaine Temujin


Aerin Calantha Inigo Kerena Dante
Leira  Digit Imhotep Dal Illura Aerin Chameleon Mider Elberiel
Einar Gorath Inigo Mango Derketo Erebus Aram Korrigan Darkwalker
Talaban Janthool Ascalante Gilad Ren Nebuchadnezzar Stygian
 Azazel Yawgmoth Dante Tobel Gabriella Leira Seator Kaitriana Hannibal
Mideion Athelstan Kassidy Ctulu Seth Kelcie Derketo Jhandar Erlik Thorgrim



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